INF 386E: Information and Culture: Planning and Understanding Exhibits

Day Start End Building Room
  • Thursday
  • 12:30 PM
  • 3:30 PM
  • UTA
  • 1.506B

Catalog Description

Exhibits are a powerful way for libraries, archives, museums, and cultural institutions to engage the public with their collections. This course offers students the opportunity to plan and install an exhibit, focusing on objectives such as: crafting a narrative around physical objects; drafting exhibit text; accommodating media preservation issues; building basic display supports; and publicizing the exhibit. Students will learn about the historical origins of modern-day exhibit practices, and will visit and evaluate current exhibits on campus and in the Austin area.

Instructor Description

Exhibits are a powerful way for libraries, archives, museums, and cultural institutions to engage the public with their collections. This course offers students the opportunity to plan and install an exhibit, focusing on objectives such as: crafting a narrative around physical objects; drafting exhibit text; accommodating media preservation issues; building basic display supports; and publicizing the exhibit. Students will learn about the historical origins of modern-day exhibit practices and will visit and evaluate current exhibits on campus and in the Austin area.


Graduate standing.

Spring Term 2022
Unique ID
Mode: In Person