INF 384M: Topics In Description and Metadata: Theories and Applications of Metadata

Day Start End Building Room
  • Wednesday
  • 3:00 PM
  • 6:00 PM
  • UTA
  • 1.502

Catalog Description

Introduction to the theoretical foundations, history, principles, and research surrounding the representation of information, digital collections, and data with metadata, with emphasis on concepts of standardization, infrastructure, formats, and exchange. Major topics will include metadata types, value and content standards, formats, data interchange standards and protocols. The course introduces participants to the examination and analysis surrounding issues of effectiveness, economics, values and audience surrounding different types of metadata applications. Provides background for further studies in information organization, preservation, and database management.


Introduction to the theoretical foundations, history, principles, and research surrounding the representation of information, digital collections, and data with metadata, with emphasis on concepts of standardization, infrastructure, formats, and exchange. Major topics will include metadata types, value and content standards, formats, data interchange standards and protocols. The course introduces participants to the examination and analysis surrounding issues of effectiveness, economics, values and audience surrounding different types of metadata applications. Provides background for further studies in information organization, preservation, and database management.

Fall Term 2023
Unique ID
Mode: In Person

Restricted to graduate students in the School of Information through registration periods 1 and 2. Outside students will be permitted to join our waitlists beginning with registration period 3.