INF 382S: Library Instruction and Information Literacy

Day Start End Building Room
  • Monday
  • 3:00 PM
  • 6:00 PM

Catalog Description

History of instruction in information service settings; learning theory, including learning styles; professional organizations involved in supporting instruction; instructional delivery modes and materials; and evaluation.

Instructor Description

History and ongoing evolution of instruction in library and information service settings; conceptions of information literacy; learning theories and pedagogical approaches; instructional design principles, including backward design; and reflective teaching practice.

Spring Term 2022
Unique ID
Mode: Web-Based

Restricted to graduate degree seekers in the School of Information during registration periods 1 and 2. Remaining seats will be made available to outside students on January 13th. In the meantime, interested non-iSchool students may request a seat reservation by completing this Registration Support Questionnaire.