For this project, I described over 6,000 digital images and PDF files housed at the East Austin Digital Archive (EADA). Using only the file structure and names, I extracted descriptive metadata at scale, without the need to closely review or individually describe the items in the collection. This was achieved using OpenRefine scripts, which can be extracted and easily applied to future additions to the collection. Finally, I produced a filenaming guide which will be provided to future students creating materials for the EADA, in order to ensure their additions can be easily ingested using the same metadata structure. The East Austin Digital Archive, based out of St. Edward's University, is an ongoing student- and community-driven digital archives project documenting ongoing gentrification in Austin. My capstone supervisor is Kim Garza, associate professor of Graphic Design at St. Edward's.
Automating description at the East Austin Digital Archive, St. Edward's University
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Capstone Type
Spring 2017
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