Accessibility of heatmaps used in John Deere machinery - Looking for ways to enhance the accessibility of heatmaps for people with color blindness


The project aimed to explore the issue of heatmap accessibility in the context of John Deere's digital interfaces. Heatmaps in John Deere's machines are utilized to provide farmers with critical information about their farms, but the predominant use of red and green colors in these heatmaps could pose significant accessibility issues for people with color blindness/ color vision deficiency. The project involved investigating the prevalence of this problem and analyzing how other organizations were addressing similar issues. The research findings indicated that this was a widespread issue, and several solutions were proposed, including the use of alternative color palettes, patterns, and annotations. The project concluded with recommendations for John Deere to consider implementing a combination of these solutions to enhance the accessibility of their heatmaps and ensure that farmers with color vision deficiency can utilize their machines with ease.

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Spring 2023