2021 Fall Capstone Projects


Chris Daily

Professional Experience Project


with: N/A

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Digital Multi-Track Recording and the Audio Archive: Establishing an Archive for the Modern Musician

A finished song contains more moving pieces than one might expect - one song might be made of several individually recorded instruments; these different instruments might have had multiple attempts to reach the final performance; there might be different audio effects applied to each instrument; there might be different versions of how these parts were mixed together. Suddenly, one song now becomes significantly more. This leads to many questions for an archivist as to how to responsibly capture everything. This project outlines initial attempts to contend with such questions through the recordings of an Austin, TX record label.

Ningyue Shang

Professional Experience Project

Available In-Person Only

with: Available In-Person Only

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Onboarding Commerce Data In A Manufacturing Company's CRM System

The CRM platform aims at providing customer-related information to agents to resolve customer concerns. Currently, our stakeholders need to review commerce data through multiple platforms (order management, shipping management, etc.) and a Tableau which can take time to load. In this project, I created a design to onboard customer commerce data into our CRM, which enables agents to quickly access all answers within one application, thus saving more time and agent labor.

Chun Wei Wang

Professional Experience Project


with: Ian Natzmer

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Language Learning Game - Demo Testing

Review and structure user testing for the demo of the Chinese learning game: Mulan.

Jing Zhu

Professional Experience Project

Dell Medical School & UT School of Information

with: Eric Nordquist

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Improve Convenience for Patients to Share Data with Clinics via a health-ID Wallet App

As of 2015, 96% of medical records in the US are stored electronically, but the data is not shared, resulting in a fragmented system of data silos. It's very common that people need to fill the same forms over and over again, to digitalize medical records at different clinics. To solve the problem above, UT Medical School created a conceptualized wallet-like app for digitalization and management of patient health ID and requests help in improving the user experience for the app. I collaborated with UX researchers and professors from Medical School to identify the concept apps usability problems and created/iterated prototypes to refine user flow and navigation, and get a minimum viable product.