Spectrum Study
Spectrum Study


Spectrum Initiative Longitudinal Study
  Researcher Profiles : Loriene Roy  
 Loriene Roy
     Loriene Roy


Loriene Roy

Cynthia Tysick

Daisy Waters
Selected Publications Human Research Compliance

Anishinabe Culture

Encyclopedia of Multicultural America, In Galens, Judy, Anna Sheets, and Robyn V. Young, eds. "Ojibwa,". Gale, Detroit, MI, Gale, 1995,1016-1029.

Encyclopedia of North American Indians, In Birchfield, D. L., ed . S.v."Michael Dorris" (vol. 4, 455); "Basil Johnston" (vol. 6, 752-753); "Nanabosho"(vol. 7, 937); "Ojibwe" (contributor, vol.7, 1003-1008); 

"Quillworking and Quillworkers" (vol 8, 1110-1113); and "Windigo" (vol. 10, 1397-1398), New York, Marshall Cavendish, 1997.

The Louisiana Purchase: An Encyclopedia , In Rodriguez, Junius P., ed. S.v. "Black Hawk" (34-35); "Black Hawk War" (36-38); "Black Hills" (38-39);"Ojibwa" (260-261); "Potawatomi" (286);and "Sacajawea" (302-303). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio. 2002.



"Diversity in the Classroom: Incorporating Service-Learning Experiences in the Library and Information Science Curriculum." Journal of Library Administration 33 3/4 (2001) : 213-228. 

"The Minority Liaison Officer in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, The University of Texas at Austin."Texas Library Journal 71 (3)(Fall 1995): 136-138.

Clara Chu, Clara Ann O'Neill, Carla Stoffle, and Elaine Yontz. "The Future for Latinos in Library Education: A Panel Presentation." In Castillo-Speed, Lillian, ed. The Power of Language/El Poder de la Palabra: Selected Papers from the Second National REFORMA Conference, Englewood, CO, Libraries Unlimited, 2001, 35-41.


Indigenous Information Services

"A Conversation with Luci Tapahonso." The New Advocate 14 (2 (Spring 2001): 111-117

"Dream Catchers, Love Medicine, and Fancy Dancing: Selecting Native American Studies Material in the Humanities." The Acquisitions Librarian 17/18 (November 1997): 141-157.

"Four Directions: An Indigenous Educational Model." Wicazo Sa Review 13 (2) (Fall 1998): 59-69.

"From Tribal Records Repository to Corridor on Powwow Super Highway: Library Development for American Indians Since the Late 1960s." Svensk Biblioteksforskning (Swedish Library Research) 14 (3) (2002): 127-134.

"If I Can Read, I Can Do Anything': A Culturally Responsive Reading Promotion Program." In The Barents Libraries Conference: Report From a Seminar at Ajtte, Swedish Mountain and Sami Museum, September 10-12 2001, Jokkmokk, Sweden: Ajtte, 2002, 57-65.

"If I Can Read, I Can Do Anything,': Promoting Reading on the Rez." Texas Alcalde 89 (5) (May/June 2001): 16

"Indigenous Peoples and Library Services in the United States." In Szekely, Chris, ed. Issues and Initiatives in Indigenous Librarianship,Auckland, New Zealand, National Library of New Zealand, 1999, 36-48.

"OKSALE: Building a Culturally Responsive Virtual Library of Education Resources for a Tribal College." Education Libraries 25 (2)(Winter 2002): 26-28.

"Recovering Native Identity: Readers' Advisory Services for Non-Reservation Native Americans." Collection Building 12 (3/4) (Summer 1993): 73-77.

"Retaining Cultural Identity in a Transformed Future: The American Indian Library Association Response to ALA Goal 2000." In Equal Voices,Many Choices: Ethnic Library Organizations Respond to ALA's Goal 2000, Chicago, American Library Association, 1997, 23-26.

"The International Indigenous Librarians' Forum: A Professional Life-Affirming Event." World Libraries 10 (1/2) (Spring/Fall 2000): 19-30.

"To Support and Model Native American Library Services." Texas Library Journal 76 (1) (Spring 2000): 32-35.

Aimee Akerman. "Texas Students Build NWIC Virtual Library." Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education 13 (2) (Winter 2001): 42.

Antony Cherian, Mark Christal, Marty Kreipe de Montano, and Paul Resta. "Virtual Museum Collaborations for Cultural Revitalization: The Four Directions Model." Museums and the Web 2001 Proceeding Seattle,WA, March 2001. [CD ROM}

Laurence Patrick Goines. "Electronic Communication for and about Native Americans." FID News Bulletin 44 (11) (November 1994): 286-289.

Mark Christal. "Digital Repatriation and the Development of a National Virtual Museum of the American Indian." In The Barents Libraries Conference: Report From a Seminar at Ajtte, Swedish Mountain and Sami Museum, September 10-12 2001, Jokkmokk, Sweden: Ajtte, 2002, 41-44.

Mark Christal, Marty Kreipe de Montano, and Paul Resta. "Virtual Museums from Four Directions: An Emerging Model for School-Museum Collaboration." CSS Journal: Computers in the Social Studies 9(4) (October/December 2001) http://www.webcom.com/journal/

Mark Christal and Paul Resta. "Virtual Museum Projects in Native America."
ERIC Update 23 (2) (December 2002), Feature Article, 1-4.

Peter Larsen. "Oksale: An Indigenous Approach to Creating a Virtual Library of Education Resources." D-Lib Magazine 8 (3), http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march02/roy/03roy.html , (March 2002).


Research Methodologies

"Collection Evaluation as Research." Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 5 (3)(1992): 297-300.

"Incorporating Oral History into the Curriculum." ERIC ED 399 957, 1994, [p.13].

"Planning an Oral History Project." Journal of Youth Services in Librarires 6 (4)(Summer 1993): 409-413.

"The Oral History Project of TLA." Texas Library Journal 68 (2) Summer 1992: 59-62.

"What is Qualitative Research?" Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 5 (1)(1991): 105-107.

Don Drummond. "Jerre Hetherington and the Texas Library Association, Part II." Texas Library Journal 69 (2)(Summer 1993): 66-68.

Don Drummond. " It Wasn't a Job. It Was a Way of Life,' Jerre Hetherington and the Texas Library Association." Texas Library Journal 9(1) (Spring 1993): 25-27.