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INF388E (unique #27805) and INF350G (unique #27610) - Historical Museums: Context and Practice, Fall 2018 - Resources

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General Resources:

The website of the American Alliance [formerly Association] of Museums is here, but don't expect to see too much free stuff:

Here you will find a study guide for competencies for visitor studies:

Additional readings:

Fath Davis Ruffins, "Mythos, Memory, and History: African American Preservation Efforts, 1820-1990," in Karp and Lavine, Museums and Communities, 507-611. This is a very long piece (4 parts) but is essential for understanding the historical details of the process that has led to the creation of African-American museums. I've substituted a new reading from Ruffins as an assignment, but this is a good resource if you wish to pursue this subject.

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