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INF388E (unique #27805) and INF350G (unique #27610) - Historical Museums: Context and Practice, Fall 2018 - Objectives

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Students will visit historical museums and similar venues in the Austin area and try out methods of "reading" them for history of construction, intended audience(s), and overt and implied messages. At the end of the course, students will:

  • Understand the knowledge and power issues surrounding the representation of the historical past in museums
  • Be familiar with the roles and motivations of museum professionals in historical museums
  • Be aware of a range of concerns experienced by members of the public who find themselves or their communities the subject of a historical museum exhibit
  • Be familiar with the interests and concerns that attract members of the public to visit historical museums
  • Be able to analyze the production and consumption process in which a historical museum exhibit is embedded
  • Be able to devise a framework for historical exhibit planning that addresses the broadest range of community concerns

The schedule including assigned readings will be posted on this website and should be checked regularly for any changes. Any students requiring accommodation for disability or religious holy days should contact the instructor at the beginning of class.