
All this usability and academia stuff, frankly, is secondary to being husband to Cheryl, father to Travis and Drew, father-in-law to Emily and Ashley, and grandfather to Ella. (Click to view larger.)

Cheryl Bias structural element two of us at paris cafe T Dad TCOM graduation Drew Dad golfing xmas card DB baserunning against OU - May 2009 travis climbing Cheryl on a bridge c in musee dorsay d and e seasons 52 - 2 d and e seasons 52 - 2 D and E leaving 5 of us for mpix D E state bar R NSS crossword Christmas pic 2015 olan mills D E C R birthday boat trip rb cb national seashore rb 3 students syllabus shirt Four of us laughing T D R laughing T D R laughing T D R laughing Kids Together
Photo Credit: Bias family