The last in the series, part IV, qualitative information from the ALA-APA Workplace Wellness Survey, is now on the ALA-APA Salaries page

Articles from ALA/APA Library Worklife:

"Improved Health While You Work" (pdf)
by Casey Schacher
Volume 2, No. 2, February 2005

"The Martial Art Librarian Tai Chi
as a Metaphor for Librarianship" (pdf)

by Lee Ratzan, Ph.D
Volume 2, No. 6, June 2005

"Office Fitness" (pdf)
by Br. Raphael Daoud Jackson
Volume 4, No. 3, March 2007

"Burnout in Academic Libraries" (pdf)
by Julia Huprich
Volume 4, No. 10, October 2007

From ALA press release (March 5, 2008):

Lance Armstrong Foundation and ALA team up
to deliver cancer survivorship notebooks to libraries.

From the Wellness Councils of America:

"Corporate Wellness Makes a Bottom-Line Difference:
The Cost Benefit of Worksite Wellness"

From Native Aging Visions (Volume 4, Issue 2, Fall 2004):

“We Walk Many Together” (pdf)

This article discusses a voluntary walking and exercise program for Elders with the White Earth Band of Ojibwa.

structural element

structural element Past Wellness News