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INF 389G Introduction to Electronic and Digital Records, Unique 27835 - Text, Fall 2018
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The assigned textbook is Personal Information Management, edited by William Jones and Jaime Teevan, available through the Coop or the usual online vendors (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Alibris, ABEbooks, Powell's) in new or used condition from around $12-$30-something.

The essay below is a little outdated, but the archival perspective is sound and it is still worth reading.
Anne J. Gilliland-Swetland, Enduring Paradigm, New Opportunities: The Value of the Archival Perspective in the Digital Environment (Washington: CLIR, 2000). Available online at
You can purchase it online from the CLIR site if you want a nice paper copy.

Other readings are available online or through Canvas (under Files) or the library's journals (go to choose Journals, and type in the relevant journal's name).

If you feel you need more background in any specific area (archives, technology, etc.), check the Resources page; and if you find a valuable reading, please share it with the class and we'll add it to the page.