Spring 2025

INF 388E Historical Museums: Context and Practice

Unique ID: 28525


12:00 PM - 03:00 PM  UTA 1.210A

Regular fieldwork to be conducted at the Benson Latin American Collection, located in Sid Richardson Hall

Review Previous Course Iterations & Syllabi

In Person


The process of exhibit creation in historical museums, from planning through development to opening and maintenance, as a negotiation among stakeholders for influence on the story that is told. Students visit local historical museums and examine how presentations are influenced by the institutional position of the museum, including its history and resources; the concerns of museum employees; the influence of the audience and of those who are directly affected or represented by an exhibit; and the role of contractual professionals.


Graduate standing and consent of instructor.


Restricted to graduate students in the School of Information through registration periods 1 and 2. Outside students will be permitted to join our waitlists beginning in registration period 3.