Spring 2025
INF 385T Special Topics in Information Science: Nonprofit Management and Strategy
Cross-listing of P A 385D, hosted by the LBJ School of Public Affairs.
This course examines key issues, challenges, and opportunities in the creation, management, and leadership of nonprofit organizations. Attention is given both to internal organizational issues and to nonprofits’ relationships with key external constituencies. Among the topics to be considered are nonprofit creation, mission management, organizational leadership, funding strategies, partnerships, and the impact of the public policy environment. Readings and discussion will examine nonprofits in varied fields of activity (such as human services and culture). Assignments and exercises will be employed to help develop presentation and grant writing skills.
The course is organized in a seminar format and will employ exercises and cases to translate broad themes to practical issues related to nonprofit strategy and management. Guest speakers will periodically join us to share their own experiences building and running nonprofits (additional speakers may be added).
Graduate standing.
Restricted to graduate students in the School of Information through registration periods 1 and 2. Outside students will be permitted to join our waitlists beginning in registration period 3.