Spring 2025
INF 382L Information Resources and Services: Scholarly Communication
With the ongoing evolution of digital technologies, the creation and sharing of scholarly knowledge continues to change rapidly. In this course, we will explore historical developments, current issues, and ongoing debates in scholarly communication. We will also examine the critical roles of academic libraries and library professionals in the complex scholarly communication landscape. As we learn about topics such as academic publishing, open access and open scholarship, peer review, metrics and impact, copyright and fair use, open education, library values, and social justice, we will consider challenges and opportunities for librarians engaged in scholarly communication. In addition to building a broad understanding of key issues and areas of scholarly communication, students will develop more in-depth knowledge of a scholarly communication issue.
Graduate standing.
Restricted to graduate students in the School of Information through registration periods 1 and 2. Outside students will be permitted to join our waitlists beginning in registration period 3.