Spring 2025
I 320D Topics in Human-Centered Data Science: Text Mining and NLP Essentials
Leveraging Text Mining, Natural Language Processing, and Computational Linguistics to address real-world textual data challenges, including document processing, keyword extraction, question answering, translation, summarization, sentiment analysis, search, recommendation, and information extraction. Each week, classes include (a) Theory and Methods for NLP concepts and (b) Lab Tutorials for practical application with Python on multilingual text datasets.
Upper-division standing; Informatics 310D and Informatics 304 (or one of the following approved substitutions: C S 303E, C S 312, C S 312H, C S 313E).
Restricted to undergraduate Informatics majors through registration period 1. Informatics minors may add classes and join waitlists beginning in period 2. Outside students will be permitted to join our waitlists beginning with period 3.