Fall 2023
INF 385T Special Topics in Information Science: Ethnography and Socio-Technical Futures
Ethnographic research has found application and acceptance across various academic disciplines as well as industries. This course aims to introduce fundamental tenets of ethnographic methodology for investigating sociotechnical systems. Its foundation rests on interdisciplinary perspectives and anthropological insights, while simultaneously aligning with contemporary advancements such as design and speculative ethnography. The role of the future has perpetually held a central position in the utilization and shaping of technologies and information systems. A recurring narrative involves positioning a specific technology or system as "revolutionary" or "the future of" a certain domain. Adopting an ethnographic approach, this course seeks to critically examine sociotechnical imaginaries. Its objective is to glean insights from diverse communities, offering guidance in the construction of futures that are more inclusive, equitable, and diverse.
Graduate standing.
Restricted to graduate students in the School of Information through registration periods 1 and 2. Outside students will be permitted to join our waitlists beginning with registration period 3.